This book has been (and continues) to be passed around our elementary school from one teacher to the next. As I reviewed it today in my office, I was struck by the awesomeness of what our teachers recognize in one another! How encouraging it is to work with this group! #kinddeterminedtogether #WeRRV
COVID-19: 6th-11th Required Learning Week
Our last night of “Light Up Iowa!” Special thanks to Mr. Alfredson for operating the drone. Great night and photos of our wonderful complex. #WeAreRV! #lightupIowa!
Great job PBIS team working through COVID-19.
It's FRIDAY W/ 5TH GRADE! Take a minute to learn a little about Kaelyn!
REMINDER: All 6-12 graders need to check their emails for Monday’s Engagement Hour! From 10:00-11:00. The teachers are looking forward to visiting with all of you.
The baseball and softball fields joined the football stadium tonight to light up Iowa. #WeAreRV! #lightupIowa @ihsada
Our field lights at the high school will be on again tonight from 8:00-8:20pm. Given today’s news of school remaining closed and spring activities being canceled we want all to know we are thinking of you and we are with you. ‘#WeAreRiverValley
DAILY ENGAGEMENT HOUR from 10:00-11:00: On Mon. Aug. 20th, grades 6-12 are invited to a virtual class with their teacher. Monday @ 10-1st period. 10:30-2nd period. Tue. @ 10-3rd period. 10:30-4th period. Wed. @ 10-5th period. 10:30-6th period. Thur. @ 10-7th period. 10:30- 8th period. Students CHECK your school email for the invite.
Governor Reynolds just announced schools will be closed for the remainder of the year. We know you will have many questions and we will do our best to provide the information you need after we have a chance to adjust our plans based on new guidance from the state.
It's Friday with 5th Grade! Enjoy learning a little more about Hailey with this short video!
If you prefer the learning packets for grades 6-8, they can be picked up at the JH/HS building between the hours of 10-1 Monday-Thursday. If the time slot does not work, contact the school to arrange a different time. Thank You!
Kids! Get your move on! Check out this fun, easy way to track your fitness from Mrs. Reinking!
JH Students and Parents- Distance learning packets are now available at the Correctionville building for pick up. If you have questions on them please email that subjects teacher.
Super kid workout challenge!
LIGHT UP IOWA! We turned the stadium lights on tonight from 8:00-8:15 in an effort to show our families that we are here for you. We are all supporting one another during this difficult time. #WeAreRV! #lightupIA @ihsada
SENIORS: Please check your email! Important yearbook information needed from Mrs. Witt. #WeAreRV! #stayhealthy
Hello seniors! If you are pursuing a career in agriculture, send me an email. I have some scholarship opportunities for you. What a great time to fill these out.
Here is a fun scavenger hunt to do outside!
This Wednesday’s Wolverine Wellness Tip from Elementary PE teacher, Angie Reinking