The board of education made a change to the cell phone/electronic device policy, which is in the handbook. At the meeting, the school board decided to ban cell phones and electronic devices, such as air pods, headphones and smart watches during the school day. These should be kept in the student's locker, if they do bring them to school. This will be reviewed on a quarterly basis. We know this is short notice so Friday will be a learning day for all our student body. We will make the announcement at our assemblies, during the first day of school. River Valley’s Electronic Device/Cell Phone Policy The telephones in the building are for business use only. Students will be called to the phone from study hall or classes only in the event of an emergency. Parents are urged not to call unless the above is true. Cell phones, airpods, headphones or smart watches are not allowed during THE SCHOOL DAY and should be kept in lockers. Cell phones may be used before and after school. Students who have a designated need to use a cell phone for health purposes may use their phone for medical purposes within the provisions of their individual 504 or health plan. Any student in violation of this policy will immediately hand over their cellphone to the school employee to be turned into the office. Students who violate the cell phone policy during class time will be subject to the following consequences: ● First offense: The cell phone or electronic device will be turned into the office for the remainder of the day at which point the student may pick it up. ● Second offense: The cell phone or the electronic device will be turned into the office for 2 days at which point the student may pick it up or a parent can pick it up the same day. A parent-student problem solving meeting will be scheduled. ● Third offense: The cell phone or electronic device will be turned into the office for 3 days at which point the student may pick it up or a parent can pick it up the same day. In addition, the student will serve one day of in-school suspension and the student must turn in their cell phone to the office each day for the remainder of the semester. ● Continued offenses: The cell phone or electronic device will be turned into the office for 3 days at which point the student may pick it up or a parent can pick it up the same day. In addition, the student will serve one day of in-school suspension and the student must turn in their cell phone to the office each day for the remainder of the semester. If a student refuses to turn their cell phone or electronic device over to a teacher, the phone or electronic device will be turned into the office for the remainder of the day. If a student refuses to turn their cell phone or electronic device into the office, the student will serve either a day of in-school suspension or out-of-school suspension depending upon the student's response in addition to any previous suspension for this policy violation. Students will not be allowed to wear air pods/headphones/headset/or other audio devices during the school day unless approved for learning purposes. The use of a cell phone or electronic device during class to communicate with parents is not an excuse to break the rules above. Parents may either call the school to talk to their student or students may get a pass to the office to make a call to their parent(s). Please be sure that you as a parent are not causing your student to violate the policy. The district will evaluate this policy each quarter and will examine if further restrictions are needed. Our goals with this policy are to ensure optimal academic focus during learning time and to support our students’ social, emotional, and mental health.

New Cell Phone/Electronic Device Policy
August 26, 2024